• 612-466-2716 / 888-946-4749
People Widowed in the U.S.*
People Widowed Each Year*
Widows in Financial Crisis*
Families We Can Help to Regain Financial Stability
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When you don’t know where to turn, start with Wings for Widows, the most trusted name in personal finance for widowed people.

Our Promise

Welcome to Wings for Widows. If you’re visiting our site, chances are you’re navigating the challenges of widowhood and seeking support. We understand the importance of finding trustworthy assistance during such a vulnerable time, and we’re here to offer just that—completely free of charge. Our commitment to you is simple: no catches, no gimmicks, just genuine help, validated by countless testimonials and our 5-Star reputation.

While we aim to assist everyone, we promise to be transparent about our capacity to help from the start. For those we can support, rest assured, there will never be a fee for our services. Engaging in our financial coaching program means receiving advice without solicitation from your financial professional. Your privacy is paramount; your information remains confidential, shared only with your consent.

Our dedication to your dignity, respect, and confidentiality underpins everything we do. Your trust is our top priority. If our service ever falls short of excellence, I personally invite you to reach out to me. Thank you for considering us as a partner in your journey to stability and path to peace. 

– Chris Bentley, Founder & Executive Director

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When Life Changes, We Help Change Lives.

Wings for Widows provides free, professional coaching and education to help widowed men and women navigate the financial trauma experienced in widowhood. We provide comprehensive advice, guidance, and encouragement when it's most needed; the results are life-changing.

After my husband of 40 years passed, together with the intense pain and grief, I was completely overwhelmed by all the practical things that needed to be taken of. I had no idea how to deal with all the financial and administrative affairs…felt truly “lost at sea.”

I can’t begin to describe how much I have appreciated the kindness and invaluable help from [my coach] Alan. He guided me through these uncharted waters and brought hope and stability and the reassurance that I would be okay…gentle and compassionate…step by step at my pace…answering all my questions…explaining everything so clearly and simply. I could feel the fog lifting and finally I could breathe again. My confidence returned…as my affairs came into order. 

Alan was my “angel”, a gift from God, at the most painful and traumatic time of my life. I will never forget his kindness in giving up his time to guide me on this journey. Thank you Alan, and thank you to all those at Wings for Widows, for taking such good care of me.

Brenda M., Lakewood Ranch, FL

How Can We Help You?

Claiming Benefits

Credit & Identity Protection

Identifying & Organizing Important Documents

Budgeting & Managing Debt, Money Flow

Banking & Investments

Estate Settlement & Probate

Insurance for You, Your Auto, Your Home

Legal & Tax

You Are Not Alone. We Can Help.

“I just lost the one person in the world I trusted. The love of my life – my entire support system – is gone. I know my world has changed forever, but I can’t grasp what that means. I’m sad and alone, but I can’t even grieve right now. I have children and must be strong for them. I know I have many administrative and financial things to do. I’ve seen the lists of what I’m supposed to do, but nobody tells you how to do it! I need advice I can trust, but I don’t know where to get it. It’s all just painful and overwhelming.”

Sound familiar? If there were ever a time in your life you needed to ask for help, it might be now.

I am so glad I reached out. They helped me to wrap my arms around the enormity of my situation and move forward with confidence. I can’t thank them enough. Such a great resource!

Jo N., Eden Prairie MN

Help Us Make A Difference.

Your support is critical to our work at Wings for Widows. It takes a community to support a community. There are many ways you can contribute to our mission, and every little bit that you commit goes a long way in helping us fulfill our mission. Learn more below about how you can get involved and help us guide new widows and widowers to financial wellness.

Volunteering the past three years with Wings for Widows has helped me move forward in many ways. It is so rewarding helping those who are now walking the path that I’ve been on. I’ve had several roles in the organization, which has helped me learn and grow. And as I move forward, my passion and work are helping move a necessary organization forward. I enjoy the people I work with, because everyone has a heart for our mission and the community we serve.

Sue Burke, Volunteer