Our Services

Our Services
Financial Coaching
Receive critical and timely advice from the best possible experts - Certified Financial Planning™ professionals - trained to provide you with personalized advice and guidance to help you navigate the many administrative, financial, and legal obstacles ahead of you. You don't have to do it alone; search and select the financial advisor of your choice to work alongside you, addressing all your concerns AT NO COST.

WidowWise University
We created WidowWise University just for you! There you'll find the comprehensive, self-paced online course, "Personal Finance for Widowed Men and Women." Join for a month or longer for a nominal tuition fee.* With nearly 60 lessons, there is something for everyone. Check-out the free lessons in Session 1 to get started.
*Tuition is waived when you work 1:1 with a
financial coach.

Resource Center
Access a wealth of free information and resources curated for your convenience to help you navigate the challenges of early widowhood. From grief to helpful organizations, books to podcasts, you'll find a treasure chest of assistance to help you move forward at the Resource Center.
$1.5 Million
Since our founding, Wings for Widows has guided thousands of widowed individuals toward financial stability and peace of mind. Our dedicated volunteer financial coaches have contributed over 5,000 hours of free advice, helping our clients save more than $1.5 million in professional fees collectively. Join the growing community of widows and widowers who've found clarity, confidence, and direction through our one-of-a-kind services. Take your first step today – search our Advisor Network for your certified financial coach, enroll in WidowWise University, or explore our Resource Center.